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Stimulation of the growth of rapeseed

Basic growth stimulation

  • T3 – HERGIT 0.2 l/ha during bud formation until the early flowering stage (DC 45-60) in combination with insecticides, fungicides or foliar nutrition aimed at an increased supply of boron and sulphur (LISTER Komplex Oil Crops, FOLIT Boron, S)

Long, harsh winters and high-intensity cultivation

  • T2 – REXAN 0.1 l/ha at the beginning of elongation (DC 30-35) in combination with insecticides, herbicides and foliar nutrition (FOLIT Boron, S, P, K, LISTER Mo, Mn) including DAM

  • T3 – HERGIT 0.2 l/ha during bud formation until the early flowering stage (DC 45-60) in combination with insecticides, fungicides or foliar nutrition aimed at an increased supply of boron and sulphur (LISTER Komplex Oil Crops, FOLIT Boron, S)

Crop recommendations

Rapeseed – stimulation and foliar nutrition system